Month: November 2012

Our Dear Senna

Last Formula One driver to die during a race in 1994.  His death struck a chord for safety improvements in Formula One.  Also, he’s the namesake of our dog and mascot.


Senna is our dedicated companion.  Our fur kid.  We ‘rescued’ Senna from the Austin Animal Center.  He only had to spend a day or two in the shelter before we saw his cool, calm demeanor and house trained behaviors awaiting a kind family.  Needless to say, we didn’t have to think very hard, and took him home that very day.

p1260487870-6Since then,  Senna has not left our side (well, except for our trip to Marfa, but we had him well taken care of during our adventure out there, and plan on taking him eventually).  We love our pup, and we hope he loves us.  It also helps he can’t run away from the camera so we get lots of pictures of him.  He’s a wonderful subject.